Things you will need
1. Meditation music This can be soothing spa music, nature sounds, drumming/flue music etc. It's best if its music without typical singing. Try both soothing and faster tempo music like drumming to bring you to a different or deeper state of relaxation. 2.Notebook and a pen 3.Timer (I use an app called insight timer. Its free)! Minimum time should be 15-20 minutes. If this is new for you or your not familiar with consciously connecting with your guides. Write down a question in your notebook for them such as " How do I recognize your connection with me". Put your notebook down. Next make sure you have at least 15-20 undisturbed minutes to yourself. Do not do this exercise if you are tired. It will not work well and you may fall asleep. Now play your music and sit in a comfortable chair or position on the floor. Uncross your legs if your sitting in a chair so that your feet are flat or touching the floor. The reason for this is for grounding yourself. I do not recommend laying down for this exercise. Next Close your eyes and take a few cleansing breaths. Breathing in positive energy and exhailing any negative energy or stress you may be holding in your body. Repeat this 3 or 4 times. Now we will open. You do this by saying the words "I'm opening" or by a visualization such as a door opening, lighting a candle, a flower opening in bloom etc. When we do the closing you will say "I'm closing" or do the opposite of your visualization such as, closing a door, snuffing out the candle, or the flower closing up etc. Next Imagine your standing within a bubble of white light. This light extends around your entire body, going over the top of your head and underneath your feet. Making a perfect circle that your standing in. This is for protecting your energy field. Next ask your guides to come close to you while you meditate. You may feel hot or cold. You may feel a sensation sort of like walking through a spiders web etc. This is just you experiencing the shift in energy and is nothing to worry about. You may feel nothing at all but this does not mean that nothing is happening. Now let the music take you on a journey. You may start to see images or feel a sensation of lightness. If your mind tries to enter just acknowledge your thoughts and settle yourself again. This takes practice, it will get better with time. When your timer goes off indicating that its time to come back, take your time allowing yourself to slowly and gently become more and more aware of your body and the room your sitting in. When your feeling ready wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes. Next pick up your pen and allow whatever is flowing through your mind out onto the paper. This may be one word, a sentence, paragraph or a page. Try not to let your mind interrupt this process, example: (You think to yourself as your writing " this is crazy, I'm making this up"). If this happens don't worry just try again another time as it will be very difficult to get back into the flow now. You will know when your done as the flow will just stop. Date your writing then read whatever you've written back to yourself. The use of language and the tone will differ from how you'd typically speak or write. Next take a few moments to close down. The guides are often profound and deep but can also have a sense of humor. They will NEVER tell you what to do or what to choose, They will instead give you a different angel to consider or a different view of something you may not have thought about. They can help you see and understand more clearly so that you can make better informed decisions for yourself. If your ever concerned about what you've written or you think that you may have gotten in the way of the process, you can ask for a sign to come from outside of yourself. An example of what I've done is, once I ask them to show me a butterfly fluttering across my path. When I asked for this, I felt I was being very smart as it was late fall time. Within 3 days of my request a client walked into my office wearing the biggest butterfly pin I've ever seen! I definitely couldn't miss it! So, be open as it may not show up exactly as you think it will! I've also left it open and when something out of the ordinary happened I took it as a validation. One example is, I was in a grocery store and this little old lady walked up to me, took my hand and said " you have no idea how important your life is, bless you". I stood there stunned for a few moments. I tried to find this lady after a few minutes but could not find her anywhere. If you ask for a sign it will typically come within a 3 day period. If nothing comes you've likely colored the experience somehow. Try again another time. I asked my guides if they were tired of my need for validation. They said "no we like when you ask. The more validations you receive the more you trust. The more you trust the closer our conscious connection/relationship is. This, by far has been one of my most valued spiritual tools. It has helped me through many decades of life experience. I wish you peace, love and strength on your life's journey
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Our first book Alive and Speaking was a very interesting project to work on. It came about after I sat with Rosalie for a session in my office a few years ago. Rosalie is an Episcopalian Priest with over 30 years of service. After our session she contacted me about writing a book. I had always wanted to write a book but for some reason the timing was never right, until Rosalie asked me. We spent hours talking about context and many hours were dedicated to Rosalie interviewing me about Spirt. Alive and Speaking has received wonderful reviews on Amazon as well as great reviews from those who have contacted each of us individually.
So now, we are ready to begin our second book in what we know will be a series of books dedicated to Spirit. The books will encompass all that we have learned so far and how we can utilize this knowledge right now, right here in our physical dimention. We will explore what the transition process is like for individual souls. We will explore the questions " What is it like in the Spirit world" What are those who have passed doing in the Spirit world" How can they help us here in the physical world from the next dimension of life. What have they learned about themselves and the life they just lived. What have they learned about their life purpose. This book will take readers deeper into the World of Spirit and what its like for our loved ones who've turned there. Below I have listed a few questions that have been asked by those seeking guidance. I connected with my Guides to receive insight and answers to their questions. ******** Dave: Firstly, it seems to me that our multiple lives are different expressions of our one soul like a plant may have multiple blossoms, each different but expressed by that one plant. Agree? If yes, then when we pass on and meet a loved one, do we recognize that one person or does our soul recognize the entirety of the loved one's soul? To use the plant metaphor, is there recognition from one blossom to another or is it one plant recognizing the complete other plant? Answer: first very good analogy! As It has been expressed to me by those in Spirit our soul recognizes the entirety of another soul. So yes we would recognize ALL of the blossoms and the complete plant. Our soul and all of its incarnations ( blooms ) are seen fully. Now, the blossom part is very interesting for your question. When we pass from this physical dimension to the Spirit dimension and are reunited with our loved ones you will first recognize them from the energy of their last incarnation and or their last ( bloom ). Then we are able to experience their soul fully as the complete plant and we will know and understand all of their expressions as a soul as well as our own. Susan: Is meditation the best way to connect with Spirit? Answer: there is no best way to connect with Spirit. That being said meditation is an excellent way to open yourself up and quiet your mind so that your more receptive to this energy. Also be mindful that meditation is not only sitting on the floor legs crossed with your palms facing upward. You can achieve a meditative state going for a walk in the woods or by a body of water. Your mind naturally slows down while out in nature. Start here if you've had trouble meditating the traditional way in the past. While walking ask for your "people"/guide to come close to you. Allow yourself to be in the moment and enjoy the experience. I hope you've enjoyed this blog entry! Wishing you peace! Much of my life has centered around my ability to connect and talk with those no longer in the physical form (body). Our talks have often been about the Spirit, Mind & Body connection. More precisely how our physical bodies function as a vehicle for our Spirit. Here on Earth we need a physical body to house our Spirit. Much like you get into your car and drive it somewhere. You ( your Spirit ) enters your body and you drive your way through this lifetime. Many people do not understand the difference between their physical selves and their Spirit selves. Your body does not define you, your Spirit does! You are much more than just your physical self. All bodies need maintenance. By maintenance I'm referring to medication or supplements, proper diet, physical activity, positive thought etc. Lets take depression or Bipolar disorder for example. These bodies need a certian kind of balance. Our bodies are incredible machines. Like machines we sometimes need to add fluids or change the oil. Some bodies require more maintenance than others. This is where genetics and environment come in.
Often while talking with young people in spirit who have ended their own lives, they tell me that they did not understand that they were part of something far greater than this physical life. They tell me of their despair and feelings of self loathing even while appearing to be happy on the outside. They did not know about the unseen world all around them. They did not know it existed and if they did know about it they did not understand how to connect with it, to feel it and allow its energy and love to flow through them. I believe many people not just those with depression, or addiction problems go through life in the very same way. We as a culture, a society need to learn about our inner world. The world that connects us to the next dimension of life while still here in the physical. With this understanding comes peace and balance. It is my intension with the help of those in Spirit to convey this message and help those who cross my path to learn and understand this process. We need to reconnect! Lets get started! |